Trigg Minerals Limited (ASX: TMG| OTCQB: TMGLF) (‘Trigg’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Nundle, Upper Hunter and Cobark/Copeland Projects, a highly prospective tenement package covering a significant portion of the historic Nundle Goldfield and three additional historic goldfields within the New England Orogen (NEO) in northern New South Wales.
- Trigg Minerals signs a binding purchase agreement to acquire 100% rights of the Nundle, Upper Hunter, Cobark/Copeland projects, conditional upon completion of due diligence. Covering a total area of 1,039.7 km².
- These projects will be developed as Trigg’s second flagship exploration asset behind its primary, advanced stage high-grade Wild Cattle Creek deposit. Trigg will have two exploration teams advancing both these new projects and Wild Cattle Creek simultaneously.
- The package includes five historical antimony deposits, with rock chips grading 61% Sb and 9.7% Sb, and 12 tonnes of recorded Sb production (EL 9594, Nundle), plus a 37% Sb sample collected from 12m down adit indicating potential mineralisation at depth (EL 9655, Upper Hunter).
- The tenements also feature 60+ historical gold mines/occurrences across each tenement with historical recorded high-grade production. As an example, Standard Reef was worked in 1904 with an estimated production of 15,000oz at 53.8 g/t Au.
- Total historical production across the tenement package is estimated at 174,000 oz Au without modern mining techniques and significantly lower gold prices. Initial review suggests that mineralisation is interpreted to be open along strike and down depth and with considerable high grade rock chip grades ranging from 30 g/t Au to 1,045 g/t Au.
- The addition of the Nundle Project to TMG’s North Nundle holdings extends the Company’s prospective strike along the underexplored and prolific Peel Fault to approximately 40 km, significantly enhancing exploration potential.
The acquisition includes four key projects:
Nundle (EL 9594)
The Nundle Goldfield has a rich history of gold production, with several historical antimony mines present within the region. It covers parts of the major Peel Fault and contains numerous old workings where typically small high-grade gold deposits occur in dolerites. The expanded Nundle Project, encompassing both Nundle and North Nundle, provides Trigg access to a 40 km length of the Peel Fault, a deep-seated conduit for mineralising fluids, controlling the localisation of auriferous (gold-bearing) quartz veins and antimony deposits. Several historical goldfields, including Nundle, Hanging Rock, and Bingara, are closely associated with this fault system.
Upper Hunter (EL 9655)
The Upper Hunter Goldfield in NSW is a historic gold-producing region known for its structurally controlled, quartz-vein-hosted gold deposits. Mineralisation occurs in fault breccia and shear zones within sedimentary rocks, with gold typically found alongside pyrite, arsenopyrite, minor chalcopyrite, and, locally, stibnite (antimony).
Cobark and Copeland (EL 9653)
The Cobark and Copeland Goldfields in NSW were prominent during the late 1800s gold rush. Mining focused on high-grade quartz veins hosted in faults and shear zones. The Copeland area became a key mining hub, with underground workings targeting gold-rich sulphides such as pyrite, stibnite (antimony), arsenopyrite, and minor chalcopyrite. The region remains highly prospective for modern exploration.
The association of antimony mineralisation with gold enhances the project’s critical mineral potential, aligning with Trigg Minerals’ strategy to explore and develop high-value, multi- commodity assets in Tier-1 mining jurisdictions.
The Projects are in an underexplored yet highly prospective region, with historical workings and strong geological indicators suggesting significant upside potential. The presence of both gold and antimony presents an exciting opportunity for Trigg to unlock new resources and expand its footprint in the strategic metals sector.
Tim Morrison, Executive Chairman of Trigg Minerals, commented:
“The acquisition of the Nundle and other Projects marks an exciting expansion for Trigg Minerals into historically productive goldfields with strong critical mineral potential. The presence of both gold and antimony in this underexplored region aligns perfectly with our focus on high-value, strategically significant minerals. We look forward to applying modern exploration techniques to uncover new opportunities within this proven mineral province.”
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